Thursday, December 17, 2015

To Kill A Mockingbird Blog

Book: To Kill A Mockingbird
Prompt: 1.) Select a quote from your reading that you liked. 2.) What made you pick it? 3.) How
does it make you pause and think?

          The quote I picked from To Kill A Mockingbird was, "...Whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash..." This quote shows that even if a white man is superior it is wrong to treat them that way. No matter of their skin color, race, or origin. It is wrong.

          I picked this quote because it shows that treating another person in a different, negative manner is wrong. This shows that whoever thinks that they are superior based on the family they come from, how rich they are, or who he is no man should be able to treat another man like that because if their color. No man has the right to do that. Even during the late 1800's and the mid 1900''s where racism was at its strongest we now reflect on what we did wrong and how we treated African-Americans.

          This makes me think in a very different way, although I already knew that racism was bad, it showed me that I shouldn't feel more powerful or superior over other people even if I live in a better place, have more money, or because of my skin color. This made me pause and think in a way I have never thought before towards this topic. The realization hit me hard but not hard enough to make me tremble in fear, but hard enough for me to know that any person that sterotypes, discriminates, excludes, or is racist is wrong and should learn their errors to become a better person. This is how I think towards this topic.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

TKAM-Character Relationships Blogs

Nicolas Fuentes
Prompt: Think about the two characters in each pair below.  Note at least two ways they are alike and two ways they are different. From there, decide what relationship each has with Scout and what effect they have on her. You only need to choose one pair to blog about.
5- Aunt Alexandra and Atticus
a. Similarities to each other
b. Differences from each other
c. Relationship to Scout
d. Effect on Scout.

          One similarity between Atticus and Aunt Alexandra is they both have strong opinions on how Scout should be raised. They both think they should be educated, prosperous people when they grow up. I know this becuase in the book Atticus says that Scout doesn't mind him much, but only when she has to she does. Aunt Alexandra is worried about Scout not being lady-like enough to succeed in society. Although they have different opinions on how Scout should be raised, they both have the same goal for her. This is just one way that Atticus and Aunt Alexandra are similar.

          One difference between them is Atticus is more laid back with his children and is honest with them, as where is more a strict mother figure and does not tell them everything. I know this because in the book Atticus told Uncle Jack that he should tell children everything when they ask. On the other hand Aunt Alexandra hides things from them like when she didn't want to talk about when Cousin Joshua tried to shoot the president.

          The relationship that Atticus and Aunt Alexandra have with Scout is that they are related. Atticus has watched Scout age and grow up her entire life and understands her better while Aunt Alexandra has only seen her for a couple weeks and does not know the full depth of how and why she acts the way she does. While Atticus may be Scouts's dad he has not forced her to become someone he wants her to be. Aunt Alexandra forces Scout to be someone she does not want to be. 

          Atticus and Aunt Alexandra have had a great impact on Scout throughout this book. The effect that Atticus has on Scout is being her father and showing concern for her problems. Although he is starting to change, due to Aunt Alexandra's coming, Atticus is still not completely changed so he still fights for Scout's rights and her actions. Aunt Alexandra has also a impact upon Scout but it has not really been for Scout. It is more for the Finch's name and their tradition. Aunt Alexandra impact on Scout is trying to turn her into a more feminine figure in the book. This is the effect that Atticus and Aunt Alexandra has on Scout.