Thursday, March 26, 2015

Poetry Reflection.

     Poetry plays a very important role in everybody's life even if you hate poetry. Poetry plays a role in my life at school. It's importance in my life is writing them and reading them. I like most poems but not all of them (I'm not saying I hate the other poems.) I especially liked the spine poem. It was interesting because you don't have any idea of what you are going to happen and what your poem is going to be about.  It's like life, you don't know whats going to happen.

     I, personally think that poetry does belong to everyone. I think this because, at one point in your life your are going to have to see a poem that does apply to you in some specific way. Maybe at school, at your job, at your house, with your peers, with your friends etc. Eventually, you are going to see some sort of poem or write a poem that applies to you. Poetry is definitely in a poets life but what about your average Joe. They may not even see their special poem until they are 80 years old. Or, they see it while they are in middle school or high school, even college. Its your choice to find your poem. You can either seek it out or, wait until it comes to you. So, I think poetry is involved in everybody's life, no matter what, even if you tried to avoid it

     The life and experiences of a poet affect the poem he/she creates because it gives them ideas or inspiration to write poems on different topics. If they had a boring life and wrote about something through a poem that they have experienced it would most likely be boring. But if they had an exciting life and tried new things, their poems would be interesting. They would have adventure, humor, plot,  rhyme, similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, patterns, tones. They would have more ideas and would write more poems than a person with a boring life.  More people would read their poems, more people would like their poems. Therefore, a person with a more interesting life will be a better poet than oppose to a poet who has a boring life.

Where I'm From
Two Voice Poem
Spine Poem
Found Poem
Nonsense Poem

Monday, March 23, 2015

Divergent, Found Poem.

"Divergent" By: Nicolas Fuentes
These are the words to my found poem. "An interlude when came to understand each other. First time was willing to admit interdependence, that cold afternoon. Always remember that. Faraway music, wispy threads of sounds straining over the dark showed clean and sharp but saw a distant frown." I chose these words to show no one is alike. Everybody is unique. "Willing to admit interdependence." Interdependence means the difference between two things. So the blue represents a random person and the purple also represents a random person. Even though you don't know them they are still unlike. "Clean and sharp but saw a distinct look." This also shows that two people are never similar because one person sees a clean and sharp face while the other sees a frown. Overall, the theme is "No two fingerprints are the same."

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Life is not one sided.

I wanted to create this poem to show that life isn't only one sided. There will be bad times and good times in life. This poem shows both. The good and bad. For example, "The Dead of Night" is a negative phrase. Showing that there will be bad times in life. But the phrase "Out of The Dark" overpowers the negative phrase with positivity. This is showing that you should try to find a positive side if something bad happens. All in all, the theme is life is not one sided.

Thinglink Poetry

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Two Voice Poem

Minho                                                                                                      Thomas
I been in this maze for longer than I can count.
                                                                                                                    I am just an amateur. 
We never give up.
I know this maze inside-out.
    I don't know anything about a maze.
We trust each other.
I was kidnapped and put in here
against my own will.
I came here because it was my choice.
I am a keeper of peace and order
I frighten people by accident.
We try our best to keep peace.
I run when there is no hope
but help when there is hope.
                                                                  I try to find the tiniest sliver of hope 
and hold onto it.
We fight together
I have one of the biggest jobs in the maze.
I have no job to stick to.
We do our job to keep order.
I leave people to die 
when I know they are already dead.
I save peoples lives 
even if they try to commit suicide.
We protect and fight.
I can't even solve a puzzle.
I can solve the most complex maze.
We try our best.
I don't try to be social.
I try to get know each person.
We have friends.
I have a lot of power and control.
I don't even know what power is.
I punish people for wrong-doing
I let things slide 
when they are not serious.
We forbid chaos.
I am sarcastic in the most 
deathly situations.
I am serious 
in the most deathly situations
We try to keep everybody calm
I am not the best leader 
but people look up to me.
I am one of the best leaders 
but people despise me.
We are both leaders.
I have honor
and respect.
People try to kill me
and dishonor me.
We both have honor.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

About Me.

The things I like to do are extraordinary. For one, I like school and over achieving in my education. I like to try my hardest in school no matter the challenge I face. I have one favorite subject, (I'm not saying I hate the other subjects) math. I like math because it will help you in your life. If you don'y know math you won't succeed in life because math is used everyday like school, job, and friends(To prove them wrong.) I like to read and write. If you read, you can write in a more professional way. If you write, you can read in a more professional way. It's like and endless loop.

I also have sports I like and play. One of the sports I like to participate in is swimming. Recently, my relay team (Made up of James Furbeck, Nadrian Fiesta, Danny Valdez and me) made it to state in 6th place in Chicago. We will go compete in Indiana on March 21. I also like to play tennis. My dad used to play tennis so I try to live up to the dream of becoming one of the best tennis players there are. On my free time, when it's not cold, I like to go to the park with some friends and just wander around or tag across the whole park.