Monday, March 23, 2015

Divergent, Found Poem.

"Divergent" By: Nicolas Fuentes
These are the words to my found poem. "An interlude when came to understand each other. First time was willing to admit interdependence, that cold afternoon. Always remember that. Faraway music, wispy threads of sounds straining over the dark showed clean and sharp but saw a distant frown." I chose these words to show no one is alike. Everybody is unique. "Willing to admit interdependence." Interdependence means the difference between two things. So the blue represents a random person and the purple also represents a random person. Even though you don't know them they are still unlike. "Clean and sharp but saw a distinct look." This also shows that two people are never similar because one person sees a clean and sharp face while the other sees a frown. Overall, the theme is "No two fingerprints are the same."

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