Thursday, April 23, 2015

"Of Mice and Men" Blog.

Prompt: Describe the atmosphere of the ranch and bunkhouse. Be sure to include characteristics of different characters that were formally or informally introduced to us in this chapter. Support your choice with textual evidence and interpretation. 

Why doesn't Curley's wife have a name? What message, if anything, is John Steinbeck trying to send by not giving her a first name? Support your choice with textual evidence and interpretation


     The atmosphere of the bunk house is edgy. This is because there is a lot of fighting or negative actions going on. There is cursing and threatening going on in the bunkhouse. This is due to the fact that most characters in the book are independent and have nothing to worry about if they curse or threaten somebody. You can see when George and Curley verbally fought there were some curse words but not a lot. I know this because in the book it says, "You seen a girl around here?" he demanded angrily. George said coldly, " 'Bout half an hour ago." "What the hell was she doin'?"  This shows that there is a lot of tension between Curley and George and they don't care what they say about each other.

     Curley was introduced informally, but the author showed what kind of person he is through his actions. "You the new guys the old man was waiting' for?" "We just come in," said George. "Let the big guy talk." Lennie twisted with embarrassment. George said, "S'pose he don't want to talk?" Curley lashed his body around, "By Christ he's gotta talk when he's spoke to. What the hell you gettin' in for." This shows that Curley was introduced informally but you can see what kind of character he is.

     The message that John Steinbeck is trying to show is that women in the 1930's were treated like men's properties. You can see in the book that Curley treats her bad behind her back. He doesn't even use her real name when talking about her. I know this because the text states that, "What the hell was she doin'?" This text shows Curley talking bad things about her like asking where she was in a bad way.

Commented on Saul's, James, Omar's Blogs 


  1. Great Blog! I liked how you used quotes to back up your thoughts. You had a overall a well written blog. I also had the same thought about how women in the 1930's were treated like men's property.

  2. Nice Blog! I also agree with James, I think it was great how you backed up your statement with evidence.
