Thursday, March 3, 2016

Life is Beautiful Blog

1.)Based on the Holocaust literature and poems we have read, what connections can we make between Life is Beautiful and our reading?
2.) Analyze how differenences of points of view of characters create suspense or humor
3.) What events, scenes, or situations are similar or different? What is similar or different about the mood or tone of the pieces?
4.) How is life shown as beautiful throughout the film? Pull out at least two examples from different parts of the film and explain your rationale.

          There are many connnections between the Holocaust literature and poems we have read between the film Life is Beautiful. One connenction that I made between both pieces is the how the way that the father and son bonded. In the movie Life is Beautiful Guido is the person that takes care of the son. In Night the father and son bond was where the son took care of the father. The overall idea of the father and son bond is the same, but as you start to disect it becomes different. Guido gives the feeling comedy. In Night its more of a serious tone. This how each piece of literature is similar and different.

           The point of views are very different throughout each piece of work. In Night it was through the perspective of Elie Wiesel. Through his perspective the mood was very serious and somewhat facts. In Life is Beautiful it was told by the perspective of Guido, the main character. It was told through a much more upbeat and comedy perspective. That was one difference.

           One way that life is shown as beautiful is the way that the main character looks at his life. He tends to look on the bright side of things. Like when he was about to get killed. He found a way to make his son laugh even though he was going to die. He died on a happy note. That is one way that life is shown as beautiful.

          Another way that life is shown as beautiful is the way the main person, Guido, treasures his experiences. During the movie his experiences are shown. Like when he first met his wife when she "fell out of the sky." He didn't know that was going to be his wife at first, but it was like love at first sight. He treasured that moment. This is one of the other ways that life is shown as beautiful



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