Thursday, March 26, 2015

Poetry Reflection.

     Poetry plays a very important role in everybody's life even if you hate poetry. Poetry plays a role in my life at school. It's importance in my life is writing them and reading them. I like most poems but not all of them (I'm not saying I hate the other poems.) I especially liked the spine poem. It was interesting because you don't have any idea of what you are going to happen and what your poem is going to be about.  It's like life, you don't know whats going to happen.

     I, personally think that poetry does belong to everyone. I think this because, at one point in your life your are going to have to see a poem that does apply to you in some specific way. Maybe at school, at your job, at your house, with your peers, with your friends etc. Eventually, you are going to see some sort of poem or write a poem that applies to you. Poetry is definitely in a poets life but what about your average Joe. They may not even see their special poem until they are 80 years old. Or, they see it while they are in middle school or high school, even college. Its your choice to find your poem. You can either seek it out or, wait until it comes to you. So, I think poetry is involved in everybody's life, no matter what, even if you tried to avoid it

     The life and experiences of a poet affect the poem he/she creates because it gives them ideas or inspiration to write poems on different topics. If they had a boring life and wrote about something through a poem that they have experienced it would most likely be boring. But if they had an exciting life and tried new things, their poems would be interesting. They would have adventure, humor, plot,  rhyme, similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, patterns, tones. They would have more ideas and would write more poems than a person with a boring life.  More people would read their poems, more people would like their poems. Therefore, a person with a more interesting life will be a better poet than oppose to a poet who has a boring life.

Where I'm From
Two Voice Poem
Spine Poem
Found Poem
Nonsense Poem


  1. I'm curious, Nick....why would a person with a boring life not be able to write using "... humor, plot, rhyme, similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, patterns, tones."? What makes someone have a boring life?

    1. They wouldn't be able because they haven't experienced things most people have in life. The more experience you have the more you've lived life and since you have lived life more than you will be writing interesting pieces of writing.

      Nothing causes somebody to have a boring life. Only they decide. The choice is theirs, nobody else's.
