Wednesday, October 28, 2015

1st Quarter Reflection

Nicolas Fuentes
Prompts: 1.) Where are you with your forty book challenge?
2.) How have your blogs been progressing since August? 
3.) How did writing a memoir help you realize what work there needs to write a memoir?
4.) How has your organization improved since August?
5.) Has reading other genres, than what you normally would read, helped you in any way.?

          So far, I have read, and finished, three books. I am also hoping to finish a book I am reading right now called Roll of Thinder, Hear My Cry. I have finished Paper Towns, The Maze Runner Series: The Death Cure, and Beyonders: Chasing The Prophecy. I really enjoyed these books because they really go into depth and are interesting. 

          I personally think I have really made some progress with my blogs since August. I have improved my vocabulary drastically. This helps me add more detail to my blogs, therefore a better judgment. I always try to add more detail to my blogs. 

          Writing a memoir narritave helps me improve on my vocabulary, organization, and punctuation. I think writing a memoir pushed me in order to become a better writer. I had to learn that revising is key in every paper you write. I had to learn to use active verbs instead of past tense verbs. I had to learn to show and not tell people how I feel. Writing a narritave really helped me into becoming a better writer.

          My organization has stayed the same throughout the course of this first quarter. I haven't become worse, I haven't become better. My goal is to, obviously, to become better in organization. One thing I have also learned throughout the first quarter is that organization is everything. If you are organized then your one step closer to being a better person. 

          I think reading other genres has helped me in many ways and branch out into books I wouldn't normally read. One, for instance, is Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. This books is less appealing to most but has caught my interest here and there. I was forced to read Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, that doesn't make it any less interesting. This helped me unfold and try to appreciate new books.


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