Friday, January 22, 2016

2nd Quarter Reflection

1.) Of the books you have read this quarter, which was your favorite? Why?
2.) In what area do you think you made your biggest improvements in English Language Arts? 
3.) What is something you have accomplished since the new year that you are proud of?
4.) Where are you in your 40 Book Challenge? 
5.) What has been the most challenging part of 2nd Quarter for you and what did/can you do to help overcome this?
6.) How have your blogs been progressing since August? 
7.) What strategies have benefited you? 
8.) What have you learned about the world? 
9.)  How have your research skills improved?

          I have read many books during my time in 8th grade. I have read the "The Maze Runner Series: The Scorch Trials," "Paper Towns," "Holes," "To Kill A Mockingbird," and I am currently reading "Code Talker" by Joseph Bruchac. "Code Talker" is about a Navajo Marine that enlists in the army at age 17. He then becomes a code talker and helps make a code that nobody can break. 

          "Code Talker" is my favorite book so far because it goes into detail of the authors experiences and the hardships of WWII. He goes into detail of taking over a Japanese island and how the Japanese booby trapped leftover guns or rations. He also explains how the Americans dicriminated them for not speaking english, but then they realized that their language is almost impossible to decipher. The book gets really interesting and these are the reasons that I like this book.

           I think my biggest improvement has been displayed in my writing. For example, in an argumentative paper you can say I, me, or my or else this will show that your paper is opinionated. In a narrative it is good to paint a picture in the readers head because then they may be able to relate or keep reading your story. To do this it is best to include figurative language such as onomatopoeia, smilies, metaphors, and sensory details.

           Something that I have accomplished in the new year is passing the first test of the CPS high schools. I am proud of this because a public school will expose me to other people from all sorts of places and will give me more resources to learn from. 

          I am not to far in my 40-book challenge, but I am hoping to get farther with Battle of the Books. So far I have read, "The Maze Runner Series: The Scorch Trials," "The Maze Runner Series: The Death Cure," "Paper Towns," "Holes," and "To Kill A Mockingbird." So in total I have read 5 books and one in progress. By the end of March I am hoping to have read 9 books.

          The most challenging part of eigth grade was writing my narrative. I think this was the most challenging pieces of writing because it made me think back in a life and write about a memory I have never written about. Also, it required me to paint a clear picture in the readers head.

          Some strategies that I have benefited from are using figurative language such as onomatopoeia, similes, metaphors, and sensory details. All of these strategies contributed to my success for my narrative paper. Withotut them I wouldn't be able to show the reader how I felt during the entire story.

           One thing I have learned about the world is that history is repeating itself. I know this because there is a certain group that believes in a certain religion, ISIS, that wants everybody to believe in their religion and only their religion. This is exactly what the caused WWII. The Nazi's wanted everyone to believe in their religion all around the world. This could lead to WWIII.

           My researching skills have increased a lot. I know only to take key details and not the entire story. I also know that as I am researching I should develop more questions because I am learning new concepts. This helps me in many years ahead me because I still have many years ahead of researching and exploring.  



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