Thursday, September 24, 2015

Comparing "Of Beetles and Angels" and AOW


Prompt: First two paragraphs have to be about individuals, events, or ideas. The last will focus on the main question, "How does war affect individuals and societies?"

          The book "Of Beetles and Angels"  and the Aow, "Refugees face tear gas, water cannons as they cut new paths through Europe" have many similarities. We are going to discuss the similarities that many individuals have that have been presented throughout the book and the article. The article states that, " Just steps from Hungary, thousands of people spent the night in wet grass on the Sebrian side of the border. Hours later, hundreds tried to punch through the cordon of razor wire and riot police massed near the Serbian border town of Horgos." This shows that there are many refugees that are seeking a better life. This relates to Mawi because the book explains that, "Millions of my people had become refugees during the thirty-year bloodbath between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Most had fled to Sudan. Seeing their plight, World Relief had mediated an agreement between the United States and Sudan to resettle some of the refugees." This shows that just like the European refugees, Mawi's people had become refugees in search for a new life.

          There are many ideas that are presented during the book, "Of Beatles and Angels" and the 
AOW ,"Refugees face tear gas, water cannons as they cut new paths through Europe." One idea that was presented in the book was determination. I know this because the book explains that," I almost abandoned my dreams of becoming a top student and earning a scholarship. But I loved my family to much to give up. And I knew my brother Tewolde never would have given up." This shows Mawi's determination by not giving up. It also shows persistence. In the article it states that, " We hit a stone and we flow around it." This shows being determined and flexible. These two quotes show how hard refugees work for a new and better life.

          There are many ways in which war affects and corrupts individuals and societies. One way war affects individuals and societies is by turning them inside out. In a society there are many people from many races. If two or more different races are at war and those races exist in that country friends could be turned into enemies. The way it affects you as an individual is by turning you into a different person. It morphs them into another person like if you were always happy and your country is at war you would turned into th complete opposite. These are one of the many reasons that war affects individuals and societies.



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