Thursday, November 19, 2015

Theme Blog

Nicolas Fuentes 
Prompt: "Determine and analyze a theme development throughout the novel by looking closely at the characters actions, the setting, plot events, and and/or conflict."   

          The universal theme that I have infered from "The Maze Runner Series: The Death Cure" is courage. I think this because throughout the books in the  "Maze Runner" series the character's actions are always for the greater good of the group they have. For example, when Thomas, the main character, decides to kill his best friend becasue he has been infected with a disease that has no cure and when the subject is infected the virus drives them crazy. Newt, Thomas' best friend, implores Thomas to kill him and he does it. If he didn't do this, then everybody in the Right Arm, which is an organazation dedicated to taking down WICKED, would have suffered a major loss. This action shows bravery.

          The setting of this story is a world where 98% of the human population is infected with the flare. This disease was caused by solar flares. This makes a huge impact on the theme development throughout the story because every decision a character makes could potentially affect the whole population. For instance, every subject that WICKED has tested hates WICKED and disagrees with their ways. So, therefore they do not comply in finding a cure for the human population. 

          The plot events that have happened throughout the story are very important. In the falling action of the story the main character is left with a huge decision to go and comply with WICKED, but take the risk of actually complying with them before "The Right Arm" can sabotage WICKED. This decision affected him a lot because he was actually showing and telling how he was scared for the first time in the "Maze Runner Series." This is how I think the theme is developed throughout the book. 

1 comment:

  1. thank you ..... this is very helpful ......
    very inspiring ....... good ...... success always ......
    and please visit my website also ................... thank you .......

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