Thursday, March 10, 2016

Book: "Code Talker"
1.) Describe the settings time and place.
2.) Analyze how your feelings change in this story and why.
3.) Explain what kind of reader would like this book.

          The time is 1945. The defeat of the Germans and the Japanese is near. The location of the place I am reading right now is Iwo Jima. The Americans and the Japanese are fighting hard for the island. It is a bloody time for both sides. The Americans shell the island while the Japanese dig their foxholes deeper and deeper in desperation to not lose their island. Bombings are everywhere. Bullets whizzing past each soldier and hitting some. The sound of lead meeting flesh is a horrible sound and then comes the cry for help. The Japanese fighting tooth and nail with some armed with just sharp sticks. Then, as the flag is raised it gives hope to the American soldiers as they persevere.

          My feelings haven't changed drastically during the story. Before I knew the Japanese were cruel and did everything to win. They violated the rules of war like not to shoot a medic during a battle. I never really liked the Japanese. I was disgusted by their methods. As I learned more and more I began to dislike them even more. One day as the author of my book and a couple of friends were walking, they found the food that the U.S sends to Japanese for the poor. They took were using the food that U.S sent them for their soldiers. They let their poor starve. So in the end I still disliked the Japanese, but even more than I did before.

           I think that the type of reader that would enjoy this is a reader that likes to analyze WWII. Also a reader that likes is a first-hand account of what happened during WWII. The reader has to at least have some knowledge or at least the basic events. This would have to interest the reader in order for the reader to enjoy this book.

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