Tuesday, May 5, 2015

AOW Impressions Blog

Nicolas F.

     Today, I learned about Child Abuse and Neglect,  Baltimore Riots, Earthquakes in Nepal, and Iranian forces seize American commercial ship. This is one out one-thousand compared to the other stuff happening in the world. There are a lot more problems in the world than the media can keep up.

     One thing that interested me the most was the child abuse that I learned through Mia. Mia provided many facts and opinions and that is what interested me. Some parents do not take their children to the doctor due to their religion. They believe God is going to heal their children naturally.
Although we can't do anything do change their religion we can help them realize that what they are doing is wrong.

     Another article that interested me was the Baltimore riots that was presented through Devin and Diana. I learned that the Baltimore riots started because of a man named Freddy Gray died. He was in
good health at the time he was arrested but then went into a coma due to his neck and spinal injuries. He died the next day. There were gatherings to peacefully protest. We can do something like provide more money for the government or the police station to train the police better.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nick! Your blog is good and I noticed not a lot of people talked about the faith healing. Also, in the sentence "Although we can't do anything do change" I think you meant to put do to change. Good blog overall and I liked how you also included pictures for each paragrpah.
