Thursday, May 14, 2015

Something That Symbolizes Me

Prompt: Why does this object represent you?
Nicolas F

          What I think represents me is a tennis ball. I think this because once a tennis ball gets hit by a tennis racket it bounces back on the other side. The other side becomes the good side until it comes time to go back to the other. I'm flexible like that, I can do one thing and remember about the other thing and still get there in time. Another thing that the tennis ball represents about me is being able to bounce back. I think I'm resilient because I can take a blow from someone physically or mentally and still bounce back. It's like it came through one ear and out the other.

Commented on: Mia C., John Z. Jared A., Siari R., James F.


  1. You weren't suppose to post it yet! 😂

  2. NICK! You weren't suppose to post it yet!

  3. I liked how you compared yourself as a tennis ball because if a person blows you off you still bounce back to them. I could also be compared to a tennis ball because I do that too sometimes. I also liked how you picked a tennis ball to represent yourself because you play that sport.
