Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Paradox and Dream"

1.) "Americans overindulge their children and do not like them; the children in turn are overly dependent and full of hate for their parents."

          This paradox basically means that parents buy everything that their children desire and they don't like their children. The other part means children are too dependent on their parents, but hate them for everything that's good and bad. The parents dislike their children because they've turned bratty. The children hate their parents because they don't like them getting in their business. There are many other reasons in which parents dislike their children and children hate their parents, but these were just a few.

          I have made many connections for this paradox. One connection that I made is through one of my friends. He begs his parents for technology and they give it to him but, he strongly dislikes his parents. He hates them for the bad qualities and hates them for the good qualities. On the other hand his parents try to keep him in line and make him a better person but in the end they, I can see through their actions, think he is disobedient and they don't like him.

2.) "We scramble and scrabble up the stony path toward the pot of gold we have taken to mean security. We trample friends, relatives, and strangers who get in the way of our achieving it; and once we get it we shower it on psychoanalysts to find out why we are unhappy, and finally-if we have enough of the gold-we contribute it back to the nation in form of foundations and charities."

          This quote means that somebody that will try to succeed or achieve something will not stop even if a family member is in deep distress. They will do anything do achieve it. But, after they succeed, they feel depressed because the don't know what to do with their money and their life is boring. Then, they go see a psychoanalysts to see why they are unhappy. Finally, they return all that money to the country through charities and donations to churches.

          How I can relate to this is through my grandpa. He wanted my dad to become a professional tennis player and pushed him so hard. He didn't stop and wasted most of his money on trainers. My grandpa kept pushing and pushing. My dad fractured his knee from playing to hard and that is where the story ends. It relates to half of the paradox but I think my grandpa would of, if he could of, kept going until my dad became a professional tennis player, but then again my dad picked education over tennis. 

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